Why us?
- Free shipping throughout Denmark. No additional fees. Ever.
- 14 day easy return right. If you are not satisfied with your product, we will take it back without question.
- Excellent service. We pride ourselves on the best service anywhere.
- Your satisfaction guaranteed. We select our products with a focus on quality, and we know you'll love them. But if there's ever something wrong, we'll fix it.
- The largest provider of Campervan Modules in Denmark.
Finally, there is the perfect solution to identify the contents of your BOXIO efficiently and stylishly. This high-quality sticker from waterproof material fits perfectly on any BOXIO Eurobox.
- Outdoor Suitability: Thanks to ihrer high Wetterfestigkeit sind die Sticker ideal für den Aussenseinsatz geeignet. Rain, sun or snow - they remain fest an Ort und Stelle und behalten ihre Lebarkeit.
- Einfache Anwendung: Die Sticker lassen sich leicht anbringen und kleben perfekt auf deinen Eurobox, no matter whether in der Werkstatt, im Lager oder auf dem Campingplatz.
- Efficient organization: My dem BOXIO - Eurobox Sticker Set brings order to your system and ensures that you always know exactly what is in your box without having to open it.
Delivery time:
5-12 working days.